- Tax ID #: 93-1149802
International Trainees
Request Interview
Step 1: I live in one of MESA’s Global Partner regions listed below for SAGE nomination*
*If you don’t live in the regions above, contact <sage at mesaprogram dot org> to request an interview with MESA staff.
Step 2: Prequalification. Enroll in and complete the required certificate course (Peru, Kenya and Sri Lanka), or contact the Global Partner directly to request an initial interview.
Is your home country based in South or SE Asia, Africa, Latin America or Japan? MESA’s Sustainable Agriculture & Global Exchange Program (SAGE) is currently offered for candidates from the above regions, nominated by a trusted MESA representative or NGO partner in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Kenya, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Peru or Japan.
SAGE applicants from Sri Lanka, Kenya and Peru are encouraged to complete an online Global Sustainable Food Systems certificate course facilitated by MESA’s Global Partner NGOs listed above. The course fee is $150USD, payable to the Global Partner. Upon completion of each course, you will receive a certificate which is intended to advance your professional career. If you decide to apply for SAGE, MESA’s Global Partner will schedule an interview, and may then nominate you to apply. For those who don’t complete the online course, you may request an interview for a fee of $50-75, payable to MESA’s Global NGO partner or representative.
For next season US training program inquiries, please contact one of our partners above. For partners offering the above certificate course, successful course completion is a great way to advance your professional career and networks, regardless of whether you intend to apply for SAGE. Course completion and/or interviewing does NOT guarantee that you will be nominated to apply for or confirmed to join SAGE.
Don’t see your home country included in the above regions? We invite you to JOIN OUR MAILING LIST. We look forward to sharing updates about SAGE developments in future newsletters!