- Tax ID #: 93-1149802
About MESA
MESA is a non-profit, 501(c)3 charitable organization. MESA serves the public good through the advancement of environmentally sustainable food production. MESA facilitates vocational training and cultural exchange programs between international agriculturists and their US counterparts to advance sustainable agriculture. MESA exchange program is designated by the US Department of State. MESA’s designation means that we’re the Program Sponsor responsible to issue and maintain your Steward’s J1 trainee visa and facilitate their US program experience. MESA is responsible to select and match qualified Stewards and Host trainers, monitor and evaluate training activities & cultural experiences, and ensure each Steward’s well-being for the duration of their US program.
MESA is unique in our exclusive promotion of sustainable food and farming systems and in our ability to sponsor legal visas for international participants. Many of our US Hosts are small-scale and diversified; all are committed to environmental stewardship. MESA also partners with NGOs and universities to recruit Steward candidates. Our Global Partners promote sustainable food and farming systems in their own countries.
In addition to basic services required for all US Program Sponsors, including legal J-1 visa sponsorhip required for each Steward’s training program, these additional benefits are unique to MESA participants:
- MESA and our Global Partner (GP) NGOs invest up to a year to recruit, support, train, and prepare each candidate prior to their U.S. arrival. Before GPs nominate Stewards for SAGE, prospective candidates must complete a 10-week Global Sustainable Food Systems & Global Citizenship course, led by our Global Partner representatives.
- Periodic online agroecology course offerings and/or guest presenter sessions with MESA, a MESA partner or subject matter expert.
- Full time coordinator support for Stewards and Hosts throughout the training program
- Monthly stipends for recreational and incidental expenses
- Educational conference and workshop reimbursements (up to $150/Steward)
- Reciprocal training and volunteer opportunities with MESA’s global network for participating U.S. Hosts and their crew
- Upon program completion, Stewards join the U.S. Department of State’s Exchange Visitor Program alumni network, and are eligible to apply for grants, travel funds, attend conferences, deepen professional connections, etc.
- “SPRIG” mini-grant eligibility for Steward alumni to develop community projects upon return home
MESA participants join our global community of alumni, sustainable farmers, educators and activists working to preserve ancestral knowledge, promote ecological practices, and build better livelihoods for small-scale farmers.
Although the visa designation is “Trainee”, MESA refers to our international participants as “Stewards”. You may therefore see both words used interchangeably in MESA’s program materials.
MESA offers two levels of training: Sustainable Agriculture & Global Exchange (SAGE) is for first-time Stewards, whereas our Next Level Program (NLP) is for returning alumni, i.e. Stewards who’ve completed a previous US program and want to return for advanced training opportunities, either with their previous Host, or with a new Host assignment. Please note that most NLP Stewards expect wages for advanced training and responsibilities.
About US Training
Programs are offered year-round. When you see an available Steward you’d like to host, simply notify MESA. In addition to your Host Application, you also need to submit your Training plan for the Steward you wish to invite. Training dates vary by placement—some Hosts have positions available year-round, while others may only host during their busiest seasons, such as between March/April and October/November.
Stewards and Hosts are typically matched by MESA, according to similar agricultural interests. This web site allows Hosts to view prospective Steward candidates, and also Stewards to view potential Hosts.
When you’re ready to invite a specific candidate, you’ll complete a Training Plan (if you haven’t already done that), and then MESA will share your Host information with the candidate. The Steward will carefully review all information provided, and either accept your Host invitation or, if the conditions do not meet his/her personal training objectives, inform MESA so that you may invite a different candidate.
Hosts may request a video meeting before inviting a specific Steward to join your crew. We’re happy to arrange it!
Once the Steward accepts your Host invitation, s/he pays MESA’s program fee and MESA issues their visa application. The Steward must apply for visa authorization at their nearest US Embassy or Consulate. This process typically takes 4-8 weeks, however the Embassy application time may be longer in some countries. Once the Steward receives his/her visa, s/he will coordinate arrival plans with you.
In most cases, Hosts meet their Stewards at the nearest int’l airport. Upon arrival, Hosts provide one-full day’s orientation, and help their Steward settle in (don’t worry, MESA will provide you with a handy Host Handbook!). Within 2 weeks, MESA staff will also host an online orientation with your Steward to introduce US culture and customs, review the Steward handbook, and discuss learning objectives. MESA will also make sure that your Steward’s comfortable with their placement, and knows how to use MESA’s online platform, which includes Steward forms, evaluations, program materials, resources, agroecology course curriculum, etc.
MESA Stewards and Hosts share a common passion for transforming the global food system by getting their hands dirty in the fields, and by connecting with one another.
Day-to-day life typically involves full-time, on-site training for the Steward to gain hands-on, sustainable agriculture experience over a full season. Stewards are matched with Hosts according to similar agricultural interests. Stewards reside at or within an easy commute of the their Host assignment for the full training period. Stewards expect 32-48 hands-on training hours per week, based on the Training Plan you provide. Stewards may also spend 4-8 hours/month on online courses offered by MESA and our partners, MESA hosted Steward meetings and forums, etc.. Hosts must provide Stewards with one full day off/week. Hosts provide a variety of agricultural activities throughout the program. Stewards understand that some daily activities may be physically strenuous and repetitive during their Host’s peak season.
At the conclusion of the training period, MESA will mail a program completion certificate to your Steward, and provide an end-of-program evaluation for Hosts and Stewards. Stewards return to home with new friendships and professional connections made through MESA’s global network. Stewards are encouraged to develop proposals for projects in their home communities, and may apply to MESA for their own SPRIG mini grants.
Agricultural training can involve long hours and highly variable daily scheduling based on the season. On-farm activities are led by the Host or a supervisor, and must vary and progress over time. Each placement offers different educational and social opportunities. Hosts are expected to include Stewards in family or community gatherings, farmers’ workshops, visit other organic farms, etc. While educational and social activities are an essential part of the J1 exchange program, they shouldn’t override the Steward’s primary training activities. Stewards expect to remain on-site for the majority of their US program.Stewards may travel offsite and visit nearby places of interest on days off. Hosts and Stewards must agree in advance to extra days off to compensate accrued overtime, if any. Further information about training hours and time off is contained in the Host Handbook.
Most Hosts provide accommodations and food for the duration of the Steward’s stay. Housing may be in the host family home, a small trailer, a rustic cabin, shared intern housing, converted barn or bunkhouse, etc. Stewards should have access to these basic necessities: kitchen, bathroom, shower, laundry, electricity & heat. Most Hosts also provide a television, phone access, and computer w/ free internet. Each Host has different rules regarding cleaning, laundry, etc. Stewards are expected to help with general house cleaning and daily meal preparation. Each Steward will need to learn their own Host’s “house rules” upon arrival.
- Weekly “open hours” Zoom drop ins for your Steward to share and meet with MESA staff and fellow Stewards
- Online agroecology course offerings and/or monthly guest presenter sessions with MESA, a MESA partner or subject matter expert
- Full time coordinator support for Stewards and Hosts throughout the training program
- Educational conference and workshop reimbursements (up to $150/Steward)
YES. J1 trainees are required to have health insurance while in the US (see State Department insurance requirements). MESA enrolls and maintains $250,000 per accident or illness medical insurance for all active SAGE Stewards, and we provide assistance in the event that your Steward requires medical support.
About Fees and US Costs
Yes. SAGE Hosts pay MESA a monthly $1250 fee to support our mission and help to ensure program benefits and services for all participants.
*Fees for Next Level Program Hosts and non-profit educational Hosts may differ from our standard $1250/month SAGE fee.
A combination of grants, individual donors, monthly Host fees, and Steward sponsorship fees enable MESA to provide Stewards with program benefits and support services listed above. Hosts also typically provide free room and full board. Placements must adhere to a 32-40 hours/week training schedule (averaged over the full training period), unless hosting a Next Level Steward alum who is authorized to receive wages. Host placements that offer wages or larger stipend for Steward alumni may not be required to provide free room and/or board, and may also include more weekly hours if the Steward agrees.
Yes, but only for Steward alumni participating in the Next Level Program (NLP). Temporary employment can be authorized by MESA if wages are offered by the US Host placement. Upon arrival, NLP Stewards need to ask MESA for an employment authorization letter and apply for a Social Security Number to receive wages as part of their advanced US training.
Stewards pay MESA’s $1850 SAGE fee to participate in the U.S. program for 4-12 months with one Host assignment. (for 1-4 month short programs with community education, 501(c)3 Host placements, the Steward’s program fee is $1250). All Stewards pay MESA’s non-refundable $500 deposit to confirm their Host placement and issue/deliver their J1 visa application, with the $1350 balance due prior to U.S. arrival. MESA’s SAGE services for Stewards include an in-country, 10-week certificate course in Global Food Systems and Citizenship, application processing, US Host recruitment & matching, J-1 visa application support & official documents, U.S. program sponsorship, educational enrichment, stipends, coordinator and administrative assistance.
Yes, the $1850 fee is the same for first time Stewards or returning alumni in programs lasting more than 4 months. *Because they have already completed a successful U.S. stewardship and are ready for advanced training and responsibilities, most NLP Stewards expect to receive wages, and are more open to securing their own housing if the wages offered support local housing costs.
About J1 Visas and US Program sponsors
The J1 visa is a special category that applies to foreign nationals participating in a US State Department-authorized Exchange Visitor Training Program. Stewards are legally permitted to participate in daily, hands-on training for up to one full year with their assigned Host placement.
MESA is designated by the US Department of State to issue a limited number of annual visa applications for candidates who seek US vocational training and cross-cultural experience. J1 visa categories include various occupational fields ranging from agriculture to zoology! Each category has its own rules and maximum length of stay. For example, MESA is designated to sponsor agricultural trainees. MESA facilitates hands-on training at farms and other agriculture-related companies and organizations where trainees live, train and/or work in their occupational field of agriculture to gain practical or advanced experience to be applied upon return home.
To learn more about the State Dept’s J1 program and expectations for Hosts, click here.
Private Sector Programs (for profit companies and non-profit organizations), government agencies and academic institutions designated to issue J1 visa applications are called Program Sponsors. MESA is a US Program Sponsor for agricultural trainees (aka Stewards).
Program Sponsors screen exchange participants, and issue pre-arrival and visa application documents for approved candidates to apply for a J1 visa at a US Embassy or Consulate in their home country. Upon US arrival, Program Sponsors provide a welcome orientation (in-person or virtual), coordinator services, maintain visa records, ensure trainees’ health insurance, and monitor training activities. For a better understanding of Program Sponsor requirements, look here:
No. Although all J1 programs must meet the State Department’s Program Sponsor requirements to sponsor visas and monitor US training for qualified candidates, they offer different program services and placement types. Read about MESA’s unique services above.