Steward Learning Objectives – View

Marcia Allison

User IDallison
Your NameMarcia Allison
Your E-mail Address[email protected]
1. Learning Objectives #11_ Certification as a Biointensive Teacher
1.1 Receive a 3-day workshop
1.2 Make a Garden Plan for 300 sf of biointensive beds.
1.3 Plant and carry crop registration during my stay in the internship
1.3 When I return my country to give 20 hours of workshop on Biointensive
2. Learning Objectives #22. Plan Gardens
1.2 Know the cultures of coal and calories.
2.2 Management of master panels to know details of each crop
2.3 Familiarize me as the formats for orchard plaification
3. Learning Objectives #3Design of Diet

3.1 Know the nutritional properties of the main crops of calories and charcoal.
3.2 Calculate the nutritional needs of people to identify the best crops for their diet.
3.3 Estimate spaces for a family's diet and better crops
4. Learning Objectives #4Soil Analysis
4.1 What is a soil station and how does it work?
4.2 Determine basic aspects of soil quality
4.3 Understand the results of soil laboratories and calculations to apply amendments.
5. Learning Objectives #5Composting

5.1 Know about the composition of composts
5.2 Composting
5.3 Compost maintenance
[Host Signature] I have reviewed these Learning Objectives with our Steward and agree to help him/her accomplish these objectives while training with our farm/business/organization.Jonh Jeavon